Men's Bruno Capelo Straw Hat Cadet/Baseball Telescope Legionnaire LGS701 Black

Regular price S/. 205.00

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After popular demand, we brought the cadet legionnaire collection back! Its a low profile of a cap with the look of a hat. This vented straw version Legionnaire/Cadet is perfect for sunny summer days when you are looking for additional coverage and to add a unique style to your look.

NOTE: There is a built-in hat sizing string/adjuster in the sweatband of this hat so if you are in between sizes just use the hat sizer to adjust it to your exact fit.
  • Brim: 2.5" Bill
  • Material: 100% Natural Shantung Straw
  • Crown Height: 4"
  • Interior: Elasticized Cotton Sweatband
  • Hat Band: 1.5" 19-Ligne Grosgrain
  • Shape: Telescope Crown
  • Unlined

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